He’s been takin’ care of business for 50 years

Ross Weber is ready to retire from his job as a mechanic fixing tractors

Ross Weber Web

We want to give our Congratulations to Ross Weber, Technician in Elmira for 50 years.  Ross had a chance to sit down with Julian Gavaghan from the Woolwich Observer to reminisce about his time at the Dealership and getting ready to Hang up his Blue Coveralls for Retirement.


" ROSS WEBER HAS FIXED MORE than 10,000 tractors since starting as an apprentice mechanic 50 years ago.    More remarkable yet is that he has worked in the same place since getting his first full-time job - and his current boss at Equipment Ontario in Elmira said the 67-year-old has never been late once during his time in charge.    ~ Julian Gavaghan Observer Staff  "

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